Apparently yesterday in Calgary there was an information session.
Would you go? (Assuming of course, you a had a fairly sizable disposable income)
I was thinking about this morning. I'm not sure I would.
Oh, yes, I'm a sci-fi geek.
I grew up watching Star Trek, the original Battlestar Gallactica. I love Star Trek! Stargate! Firefly! I read geeky books like The Philosophy of Star Trek and The Physics of Star Trek! I have Spock quotes on my blog, for Pete's sake! I encourage my oldest son's love of the solar system! My younger son sits and watches the opening credits of Voyager with me! I argue with my boss about Star Trek vs. Star Wars!
There's a universe of possibilities out there. I'm just not convinced I was meant to fly in a space ship.
Inquiring mind wants to know...what do you think? Too early? More testing required? Or would you jump on with both feet?
2 comments: way in hell. They would have to pay me!
Hm. Well, I'm not interested, personally, and I think, actually, that the world has a lot more pressing problems than sending oil execs with adrenaline issues into space.
Ouch. I'm apparently a little judgmental on the issue.
Husband is a major star trek geek, and has a star trek tattoo even ...
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